Order Tracking
When your order ships, you will receive a tracking notification delivered to your email address. If for some reason you do not receive a tracking number, please contact support@heavenpatch.com or call 855-951-4481.
Orders with Multiple Items
Some of the products are shipped separately. You will receive a shipping notification and order tracking number for all the items if this occurs.
Worldwide Shipping
Heaven Patch ships worldwide without any additional charges including sales tax.

Unfortunately, delivery may take longer due to international customs processing and/or incorrect address information. The site has an automated postal validation system upon checkout, but in some countries, the system cannot access local databases to check the shipping address’s validity.

If you feel your package is lost, please contact us at suport@heavenpatch.com or 800-497-0254 with your order and tracking number. We will do our best to locate it and get it delivered as quickly as possible. If it cannot be located within 24 hours, we will ship another package at no additional cost.

My Order Arrived Damaged or Doesn’t Work Correctly
Products may be damaged in transit or errors may have occurred in manufacturing that affect the quality and usability of the item. Please notify us of the issue to support@heavenpatch.com, and we will immediately replace your order or refund it.
30 Day Returns
If for any reasons you are not satisfied one of your purchases, you are welcome to take advantage of our no questions asked, 30-day refund policy from the delivery date. Simply email support@heavenpatch.com or call our customer service team at 855-951-4481. Your refund and pre-paid shipping label for the unused portion of your order will be quickly processed.