Special Editorial by
Emily Johnson
Columnist | Friday , November 13, 2020
The local merchant explained that the secret behind these knee relief patches lies in the natural blend of 10 ancient ingredients that relieve and reverse the inflammation that cause sore, achy knee pain.
Luckily for me, she had even brought back a second pack of these knee relief patches. After everything else I had tried over the years, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t skeptical. In fact, I pretty much dismissed this “ancient secret” right off the bat. I took them home (mostly to be nice to her) with the intention of letting them collect dust in the back of my closet.
However, the following day as I was getting dressed, I saw them sitting on the floor and decided, “what the heck.” I had nothing to lose except (hopefully) my knee pain, and I figured this would be better than having to pay thousands for risky surgeries or wearing a big, bulky knee brace. So, I put on a knee relief patch on each of my knees, put my pants on over them and headed out the door.
- Emily Gordon, Age 41
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– Emily Johnson, Brilliant writer and fearless Heaven Patch test subject...
- Emily Johnson
Makeup by yourself, save your own time and money